LPN information for NYC area


Specializes in n/a.

Hello All,

Thank you for reading my thread, I was just wondering if anyone out there have an advice about something...I am very interested in becoming an RN, but it seems everyone in the NYC wants to be as well so RN programs are so hard to get into. So I am considering going to the Manhattan learning center for LPN, but was wondering if in NYC LPN jobs are easy to come by? Also if anyone knows an average rate of pay for NYC? Also if anyone recently completed the program there and or recently started working, what are your thoughts? Is it worth it? Thank you for all and any help please respond Copy%20of%20wink.gif

I understand your concerns. Unfortunately I'm in the same boat as you. My friend's wife is an lpn and I hear she's making really good money. She didn't seem to have any trouble finding a job. In fact she has two right now, so she's working about 5-6 days a week.

But would anyone know about how difficult admissions are for becoming an LPN. From what I've read it's not as difficult but I haven't heard to much about LPN admissions, and for me I'm looking at getting into the brooklyn adult learning center.

Wish you the best on your goal of becoming a nurse tina

Specializes in n/a.

Thank you very much for your input.

Good luck to you as well =0)

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