Published May 7, 2005
9 Posts
About to graduate (6/17) and I'm starting to prep for boards. Anyone have any advice or questions they could share that can help me prepare?
Any sites also would be appreciated.
Post here or email me directly at [email protected] .
26 Posts
Ok the best way I learned was to know priority's what patient would I take care of over someone else, therapuetic communication. Also know all lab ranges. This test is more common sense then book smarts, to tell you the truth :Melody:
59 Posts
I will finish the PN studies in August, and would like to take the test in early September. Ok, I am lacking in common sense, but good with book smarts. I saw some prioritizing questions, and other than the very obvious respiration emergencies, I was dumbfounded as to which patients would be treated first. This must sound stupid, but could you throw some hints out?
Thanking you in advance.
3 Posts
I'm a new LPN. Just passed my boards in April and I'm working in a local hospital on M/S floor. My boards consisted of questions from nutrition, psycology, labs, and of course patient priority. It's really not that difficult to determine a patients priority. Just think your way through it and you'll be fine. Remember, you won't know the answer to every question on the boards. It grades you by competency not percentage of correct answers, so don't kill your brain on the questions you don't know. Just make your best educated guess and try to rule out some of the answers. Hope this helps.
Just think ok hemorrhage, ABC's those are first.If those answers are not on there thinK about pain that is a definite priority because it leads to anxiety.ALso know like precautions, who would you put in a precaution room.
25 Posts
Hello,About to graduate (6/17) and I'm starting to prep for boards. Anyone have any advice or questions they could share that can help me prepare?Any sites also would be appreciated. Post here or email me directly at [email protected] .Thanks!-Roger
First of all, don't freak out when you take your boards, don't focus over-long on any one question. I had a variety of topics on my boards and the person who posted about using your common sense is correct. If you haven't been paying attention in class/clinicals you will be in trouble because the boards ask you questions that require you to apply your knowledge in practical situations, rather than typical test type questions. Eliminate the obvious wrong answers then try to put yourself in the scenario and think what you would really do, not what you think the right answer is. I had a few pharm questions that were easy and some nutrition questions about cultural preferences but most were scenario based and priority questions. I don't know anyone who didn't feel they had failed after taking them, so thats normal. Just relax, breathe, and don't get hung up on a question. If you really have no clue, pick what seems most logical and move on. Also, in regards to the "how many questions you get" postings, i never knew anyone yet who failed with 75, so if you shut off at 75 you probably did ok.