Los Angeles City College Spring 2024 ADN

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey guys, 

jus wanted to start this thread for Spring 2024 application period so that we can keep each other updated. 
btw has anyone heard back from LACC cause I haven't.

Still checking inboxes and received nothing...those that did get in how did the email coming through look like?

maggiemei said:

Still checking inboxes and received nothing...those that did get in how did the email coming through look like?

I got a file that said I got accepted as a Contingent , it mentioned 2 mandatory orientation dates that both contingents and alternates will attend. We have to sign it as well and email the pdf back. 

fairydust21 said:

I got a file that said I got accepted as a Contingent , it mentioned 2 mandatory orientation dates that both contingents and alternates will attend. We have to sign it as well and email the pdf back. 

Oo OK thank you, what days are the orientation? I'm trying to figure out if they are already done emailing the acceptance letters...since I got nothing ?

maggiemei said:

Oo OK thank you, what days are the orientation? I'm trying to figure out if they are already done emailing the acceptance letters...since I got nothing ?

It's in mid January. Don't get your hopes up, you never know if someone takes an offer of another program! I said no to the other programs accepted due to distance so you never know for other people.

fairydust21 said:

It's in mid January. Don't get your hopes up, you never know if someone takes an offer of another program! I said no to the other programs accepted due to distance so you never know for other people.

 what other programs did you decline?

Peach09 said:

 what other programs did you decline?

Well I'm accepting Lacc but yesterday I declined Rio Hondo, ELAC, LA Southwest, and LA Harbor. 

fairydust21 said:

Well I'm accepting Lacc but yesterday I declined Rio Hondo, ELAC, LA Southwest, and LA Harbor. 

Nice congrats your TEAS/grades must've been great. What we're your scores like? 

fairydust21 said:

Well I'm accepting Lacc but yesterday I declined Rio Hondo, ELAC, LA Southwest, and LA Harbor. 

Is it your first time applying to nursing programs? I'm an alternate for LACC but apparently I'm so far down the list that they can't tell me my rank or have me do any further steps in regards to being an alternate LOL

s.agb said:

Is it your first time applying to nursing programs? I'm an alternate for LACC but apparently I'm so far down the list that they can't tell me my rank or have me do any further steps in regards to being an alternate LOL

Yes it's my first time applying ? and u never know! There's still a month and a half left


Peach09 said:

Nice congrats your TEAS/grades must've been great. What we're your scores like? 

Thank u! And I got 2 B's which were on my Science pre Req's the rest were A's so I got a 3.88  GPA.

TEAS: 86%

Has anyone got any news from La city college yet?

Has anyone gotten an acceptance letter yet from LACC??

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