Looking for a Pre-Nursing Buddy



I am a SAHM of two and a future nurse. I am relatively new to Indy (moved from Michigan last August). Since August I have waited patiently for the powers at be to bless a girl with residency .

In the Fall, I will be attending IUPUC. I have to complete 5 pre-reqs including A&P . That semester I plan on taking three classes (COMM, SOC, and MATH). Then in the Spring, I plan to take A&P and SWKS. My target date for sending my application to the School of Nursing is Spring '07.

However, I feel like the rug has been pulled from under me with the upcoming change in admissions standards. It appears as if I will need at least one additional class that is only offered in Indianapolis or Bloomington :o . My Hubby suggested that I just do a super load this semester and take all five of the classes that I need. I had to give him the look :angryfire .

I am looking for fellow pre-nursing student to laugh, cry, whine, and moan with.



I took Anatomy (5 cr) and Physiology (5 cr) in seperate semesters. I did very well, but would not recommend taking them during the same semester unless you have LOTS of free time and no other classes (well, except one really easy one), or have a very strong, recent biology background. With two kids, I'm guessing you don't have a great deal of free time. Others have done it, but I don't know how well they did or if they ever got into nursing school. These courses are tough due to the sheer volume of information you need to know. Also, Physio makes a lot more sense if you have already had Anatomy, since a bit of basic physio gets covered in Anatomy.

These courses are the most important pre-reqs for nursing, so besides getting top grades to get into the School of Nursing, it helps to retain as much of it as possible. My personal opinion is that cramming these courses in one semester will diminish retention, if not break your spirit!:uhoh3:

One thing I can recommend, if you're a cheapskate like me, is to purchase the books on a website such as Amazon or Half.com, and get the previous edition to what the school tells you to buy. The info in the books change very little, although sometimes they rearrange the chapter order. Even the really old editions aren't too bad, but they tend to have fewer diagrams and charts, so it is a lot more work to organize all the information.

Oh, another recommendation is to study from the books, or to make notes from the books and study that. The test questions come from the books, although some require some thought. The lab portions are a little different, and have their own exams.

You will likely meet lots of other pre-nursing students in A & P. Some are planning to go to Ivy Tech, others to IU/IUPUI. :cheers:

In the mean time, feel free to PM me if you want more info. One thing I am fairly certain of is that all the pre-reqs under new admission criteria are available at IUPUC.

Oh yeah, I did get accepted to NS, so I'm not really a pre-nursing student anymore, but lots of others on this site are, and can be very supportive. I wish I had discovered this site a long time ago.

Good Luck!

hi baubau,

i want someone like u to be a good friend and for sharing hearts and all.

i am a nursing student and wants to share my thaughts and imotions with a guy who can really be a good friend

Thanks for the reponses.

Congrats on acceptance Hello2U.

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