Looking for PMHNP Preceptor in New Hampshire or Massachusetts


Specializes in Addiction, Psych, Critical Care, Dual dx, Hospice.


I currently attending Rivier University in Nashua, NH. I am enrolled in their PMHNP 3 year fast track program. I will be transitioning into the DNP program after completing the MS. I am looking for a PMHNP preceptor in New Hampshire or Massachusetts. We are required 3 different rotations with a combine 600 hour clinical requirement. I believe the school provides a $600-$1000 payment per rotation. My area of interest is substance abuse, hospice and palliative care however I would be open to any and all areas especially private practice or acute. I work around your schedule. I am a flexible student and willing to learn all that you have to offer!

Rotations begin January 2022.

I am only able to precept with PMHNPs, no FNPs at this time unless you have a secondary certification in psych. I am also able to precept with psychiatrists. 

Thank you!

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