Looking for a little advice


Hi there! I'm new to the forum but after reading many of the posts it seems like I will find alot of help here, so here it goes. I'm a junior in college and just recently decided to pursue a degree in nursing. Small problem though, my univerisity doesn't have an integrated nursing program at my particular campus, I'll have to transfer to anyone college or to the University's School of Nursing (which by the way is apparently really, really hard to get into, for what I've been told). Bigger problem however, my first two years of college I was a biological sciences major and quickly lost interest (that's another story) and as a result my GPA suffer considerably. Thus I have decided to delay applying to nursing school for a year to increase my GPA. I will be taking the bulk of my pre-req's in my "senior" year but my question is what courses should I take in my fifth year to better my chances of acceptance. Should they be science based, social science based or art/humanities courses? Any advice would be greatly appericated! Thanks!

Specializes in emergency.

go to the College of Nursing and they will provide you with a list of pre-requisites required for entry.

You would be better off to retake any pre-requisites that you did poorly on, as opposed to taking additional courses.

The average acceptance GPA at my program was 3.9!!!!!!!

Thank you for the advice HairCanada. I've looked up the required courses for my one number 1 school and will be in the process of taking those next year. What I was hoping to do was take addition courses and use them as electives.

I know in my program, there were classes you could take that you needed to finish in order to graduate... But you didn't have to wait until you got accepted into the College of Nursing in order to take them.

These were classes such as Anatomy, Physiology, al the Psychology's... all that's coming to mind at the moment. These classes were open to all students, so you should be able to take something of the like now.

Good luck to ya :)

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