Looking to enter healthcare field - but on a p/t basis. What career??

U.S.A. New Jersey



I've been on this site for a few weeks and originally posted a question in the Student's Forum about being a CNA.

There is a class coming up in 3 weeks (is held for 15weeks from Oct to Jan. 2010) and I may not make all of the pre-reqs (background check, blood and immunizations) to get in by Oct. 3rd. There is another 15-week class in January.

I work full-time at an Ivy League University and I make about $52K (37hrs week) and I don't have a college degree. However, I'd like to supplement my income for my family and do something in the health-care field that would allow me to work some evenings part-time.

I will be taking a home-health aide class for sure as it's only 2 weeks and that will definatley allow me to work some nights at about $9-$10 an hour.

But, is there a field I can get in to with a higher per-hour salary, and a short learning time and that would allow me to work evenings? I keep reading horror stories about what CNA's do and I'm wondering if I should scrap those plans before I shell out $1K for the class. I'm also interested in Phlebotoy and EKG, but these are only offered at technical or private schools and cost $10-$20/K for tuition and I just can't afford that at all. I really cannot take a loan out at this time.

Any help would be appreciated.

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