Look for the first job with an associate degree

U.S.A. New York


Hi, I'm a nursing student who is planning to graduate this summer, so I'm a little nervous of getting my first job after the graduation.

currently, I'm in an associate degree program of a college in TX, and planning to move to PA or NY after getting the license here. I'm thinking of studying the BSN classes in PA or NY, while working at a hospital at the same time. So, I got LOTS of questions about getting a job in those areas, but for now, I'll just ask only some questions out of them.

1. what do I need for getting a job at a hospital?

other than resumes, some people said they got their jobs with a help of agencies.

some said that they simply turned in their resumes in person and had interviews.

what do I exactly need to get hired at a hospital?

volunteer hours? hospital work experiences?

2. what would the future employer consider in hiring new grad nurses?

since I have no work experiences as a health care provider, I'm kind of worrying if my employer (or nurse manager) will rule me out from the work positions.

this is it. if you have any suggestions or tips for this future new grad nurse, please feel free to leave any responses. thank you. :)

in ny, it's not easy to get a job unless you know somebody from HR office of that hospital.

I would suggest you save up some money and try PA, before you move from TX to PA, make sure allow you have at least 6 months to search for a job. it's not easy anywhere nowadays.

many hospitals in metro area of ny are shutting, community based centers are cutting staffs to sustain their budgets. I worked in health field over 10 years now, from private doctor offices to big companies to community centers and hospitals. it's actually not happy to work as a RN in metro area, I would rather go for rural area where salary is lower but people are nicer.

Thank you for sharing the info. I'll consider it before I move. thank you! :)

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