Published Apr 16, 2014
15 Posts
I wanted to see if there are any other students anxiously awaiting their score on their application. I thought we could possibly share when we get them, May 12th.
7 Posts
I ended up with 38 points. I lost a couple on the essay. Kind of disappointed, but maybe i'll get lucky and it will be enough. Good luck to you!
You have a really high score. Do you mind sharing your situation? Essay score, experience, alternate?? I have 40.23. 4.23 essay, CNA experience and an associates. Only three of my friends are in the 37 range, the rest are below. What other high scores have you heard of?
1 Post
I applied this year for the first time and ended up with 37.67. 4.67 on essay, no CNA experience and no associates. Hopefully I got enough points in order for me to get in this year. Does anyone know last year's bracket? how many pts did the last person who got in have?
All A's in pre-reqs, CNA experience, no associates, 3.79 on the essay =\ No alternate points.
Have you heard a lot of scores higher than yours? From the scores I've been hearing, I think you'll get in for sure! Is this your first year applying?
No, I haven't really talked to anyone about their scores. I'm just worried about people with alternate points. This is my first year applying, I had an interview at OHSU @ Monmouth and unfortunately didn't get in there. I'm sure you'll make the cut with your score though! 12ish days until we find out. :)
I just received an email saying I was accepted. I nearly peed my pants. I'm so excited! I hope you two were accepted as well! :)
Yeah....I was accepted, as well!!! I'm so excited! Congrats! :)
8 Posts
I am an alternate for 2015. I wanted to know if anyone who applied last year knew how many alternates they accepted last year? THANKS. How was your first year?