Published Feb 23, 2009
29 Posts
I was put on a limited tour of duty when commissioned related to taking Zoloft a long time ago (1999). My time is coming up for the tour to be over and I want to stay in..however, since being commissioned I developed Celiac Disease. I was in the Corps when diagnosed. I even deployed on the gluten free diet and made it for 16 days during last seasons hurricanes.
No offense, but I know some people who are always on medical restrictions, always on sick leave, who are seriously obese and they have kept all of them. I have also heard rumors there are several officers with Celiac Disease but I have not met any of them.
Does anyone know the steps I need to take for review on a limited tour of duty? I have exceeded my benchmarks for the corps and have outstanding references for my actual job.
March marks my 6 months before the end of the tour. Anyone in the USPHS have some info they can give me. I am pretty anxious about this because there are several things going on in my life that would be need to be put on Plan B if they plan to give me the boot i.e. my wedding and finishing graduate school. I want to be prepared if I am probably not going to get it.
24 Posts
I m in the same situation as you (back problems) but my 6 months won't be till Oct. I talked to the MAB people as i was told before that after a year then get it re-eval but when in actual fact it's 6 months. Please pm me with any updates on your situation and i'll do the same if i hear anything. Thanks and good luck