Licensure by Endorsement - CA to IL


I'm a foreign-graduate nurse licensed in California but currently resides here in IL. Now I'm applying for licensure by endorsement in IL. I've been trying to contact IL BON's office for several days now but either no one's picking up or a machine gets my message. :crying2: I have a few questions to ask but their online procedures don't satisfy me. I've read the Endorsement packet for several times now and it doesn't answer my queries.

I've sent in already my Verification of Licensing Agency/Board to California and it says it would take at least 6 weeks to process the Verification papers. And it said those papers should be returned to me after the Cali filled out the forms. (Hope they return it to me, I've read somewhere that in some instances they automatically forward the papers to the endorsing state.) I don't want to wait for nothing. :/

NOW my questions are:

1) Can I send in my my Application for Licensure already to IL BON and I will just send the Verification of Licensing Board separately when it comes back to me? I just don't want time to run by just waiting. :/

2) I'm licensed in the Philippines, do I list it down in the "current licenses" column?

Hope you can enlighten me. :twocents:Thank you very much in advance. :)

Specializes in Psych, Chem Dependency, Occ. Health.

CA verification will not come back to you. They will mail it to IL and that is OK.


hi kriiiz, did you apply for the Credential Evaluation Service from CGFNS? I also graduated from the Philippines with a California license. I don't know whether to get a Professional Report or Academic Report. And how did you get the fingerprint card? I've been trying to contact the Illinois licensing department through phone and e-mail but no one is answering.

Hi kriiiz, how did you do your endorsement from CA to IL? please help me. thanks

I also need help with endorsement. Which page did you send to the CA Board??

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