Late/missed appointments

Specialties Research


I work on a community based research project and the majority of my job involves visiting clients in their homes. However, since it's research, scheduling is a bit more difficult thanut would otherwise be - that is, some weeks i have to run around like a crazy person and other weeks I have very little to do.

Anyway- about a month ago two clients complained about me. In one case I rescheduled an appt last minute because I had double booked myself- something that occasionally happens during busy weeks - and he was upset about it. In another case I did not show up for an appt- this has NEVER happened before and I am shocked/mortified that I messed up so badly, but what happened is the appt didn't save in our database and since I don't commit appts to memory (as that would be nearly impossible) I missed it. I was extremely busy and thus that added to the problem, but luckily my supervisor was understanding and knew how busy things had been.

After that I met with my supervisor to develop an action plan and all was well.

Until yesterday when my car wouldn't start AND my cell was dead. Can you believe my luck? Ugh. But I have an old car and the reality is that sometimes it is unreliable. Anyway I was lucky to use a woman's phone to get help, and eventually charged my phone and called my client. I ended up meeting with the client about 90 minutes late, and didn't call her until about an hour after our appt was set to begin.

Now, I am terrified that she is going to call my boss and I'm going to lose my job. I am nauseous and didn't sleep at all last night. I called the client today to apologize again but had to leave a voicemail. I am hoping and praying that she will not complain but I am fairly sure she will.

What do I do? I feel like I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop and waiting to be fired.

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