Published Jan 4, 2015
3 Posts
Hi everyone,
I've been accepted to Lamar's BSN program for Spring, 2015. Class starts in a couple of weeks and I'm becoming more anxious & frightened everyday. I'll be moving to Beaumont from Texas City, which is close to 2 hrs away. I will not know anyone in the area which is also scary to me. Is there anyone else attending Lamar's program and familiar with the area? Also, what should I expect and how should I prepare for my first semester as a nursing student? Any info would be helpful :)
5 Posts
Hi I'm apply for the Fall 2015 term, how has the program been so far?
It's a tough program. There's much expected from you. I will advise to make friends, study groups, and study, study, study! There's no room for joking around if you want to pass. Basically, expect to have no life while in nursing school! I hope I didn't scare you lol It's doable, though. Anything worth having, won't come easy. Best of luck to you!
tnbutterfly - Mary, BSN
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