Published Nov 15, 2016
36 Posts
Has anyone applied to the LVN to Rn program for Pierce College ? For the Spring 2017???? I haven't received nothin mg yet from the school regarding results, has anyone received anything?
1 Post
i haven't received news from pierce yet. we should be receiving news by the end of this year. the suspense is killing me!
Hello, thank you for responding, it's has been difficult to get information from them. Last thing I heard was that they were off on vacations and that we would find out hopefully by January. They mentioned that they were going to see first how many seats they had left. I'm not sure if it's true but I heard also that they only except a few students around 5 only!!!! 😞
I called today and they said they only excepted 2 students .... that those students should have received an email in December during the holidays.they mentioned the computers not working so she hasn't been able to email the students for the denial letters.
purple_010, RN
178 Posts
hi i applied for the fall 2017 semester, i just got an invitation to take the teas test, have you applied for other programs ?
Hi, I applied for pierce lvn to rn for Fall as well. Did you pass your teas yet? And do you know when we will get the letter of acceptance/denial or approx how many students they accept? Any info is appreciated! Can't believe only 2 kids were accepted for Spring! I wonder if they have to reapply or automatically are on a waiting list for Fall?
The teas test was a total fail for me I studied so much to not pass it,I guess i didn't study hard enough ... i have a good gpa and passed my pre reqs with good grades to be stopped by this .. :/
honedtly idk, they are barely inviting for the teas test so I'm thinking maybe in April or June.