L&D at Georgia Health Sciences University


Specializes in L&D.

I'm a labor and delivery nurse in NY and my husband and I are considering moving to Aiken, SC soon.

We're also trying to get pregnant so I'm doing some research on hospitals in the area.

What do people think of labor and delivery at Georgia Health Sciences University (which I understand merged with MCG?)

I've love some opinions from nurses who are familiar with the unit either professionally or personally.

How big is L&D? Are all the postpartum rooms private?

I like that they have a midwife on staff and a very good NICU.

I'm going to try for a natural birth if possilbe (no induction, no AROM, no epidural...)

Is the staff supportive of this?

I like the fact that some of their rooms have tubs, but how many labor rooms actually have tubs?

But I also want to be in a big hospital that can handle emergencies which it looks like it can.


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