KCC ADN Spring 2018


anyone applied for Spring 2018 at KCC for the ADN program? What are your thoughts? How you feeling? What did you apply with for the program? TEAS? GPA? I'm starting to get nervous thinking about it as letters should be coming out soon.

Hi there! I also applied for KCCs ADN Program Spring 2018 entry.

This is what I applied with:

Pre req: 3 Bs, rest As

Co req: Humanities A, Pharm in progress

TEAS: 86%

I also took a Nurse Aide course. I'm not certified but I'm hoping I'll get some credit for it as I did have patient interaction during my clinicals.

What are your stats?

Best of luck!

Hey guys!

I applied as well...spoke with one of the counselors and she said I'm in the "competitive range"

Here's my stats:

Pre-reqs: all A's

Co-reqs: A for Humanities and B for pharm

TEAS: 82.7%

Work: not CNA certified but completed a nurse aide course and I've been working as a nurse aide for about a year

Let me know if you guys get in! The wait is killing me!!

Hey guys.. thanks for responding.. these are my stats -

Pre req's: 2 Bs, rest As

Co req: Humanities A, Pharm A

TEAS: 92%

No work experience.

Hopefully we can all get in. I agree the wait is killing me too. Just a few more weeks then we find out!


Yay congrats!!

I did too!! I wasn't expecting letters til the end of this month, but I'm happy I don't have to keep wondering any longer.

Cool!! See you at orientation!!

congrats!! See you guys at orientation.

Have you guys bought your books yet? I'm selling some of mine. PM me if you are interested.

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