Kaiser RNs

Nurses General Nursing


I was wondering if any Nor Cal Kaiser RNs been getting overtime. At my location in Santa Clara there has been zero overtime. It has been like this since January. I'm not sure if it my hospital or if this is the whole region?

No overtime in fresno, if anything we are short staffed and safety is an issue. 

We are staffed, and I know we have pts in the ED but they don't fully up all our rooms so we aren't fully staff. We have the nurses. It's just weird. 

Yeah ours is the opposite. High census. High acuity no staff or atleast less are being booked and we're holding admission patients. 🤪

Specializes in being a Credible Source.

OT in the ED and in IR... nowhere else that I'm aware of... for now... it'll change... always does.

What kaiser do you work at? 

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