Just An Update


Hello everyone! Greetings from Michigan. Well, in my program, we are in the last two weeks of Level 1. We have completed Fundamentals, A&P, Pharm, Clinicals are done on Friday. We have Geriatric Nursing and Nutrition for the next two weeks then we are finished with course work. We have competencies in two weeks, which we will be made to demonstrate several basic nursing skills such as bedmaking, blood glucose monitoring, Head to Toe Assessments, Bedbath, Vital Signs, etc.

Of course we will demonstrate the more intensive nursing skills, but those are apart of Level 2 competencies after we have completed Med Surg and the Med Surg clinical in the acute care setting. Level 2 starts January 2 :) I can't wait. I am proud that I have been able to keep my grades up...hoping to keep this up the duration of the program! Best wishes to everyone else! I have to get to these 4 papers that I was assigned today and are due by next Tuesday lol oh the joys and woes of an accelerated program lol

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