Job Availability in Atlanta Metropolitan Area


With all the posts about how hard it is to find a job in Atlanta I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread on open positions that we know about. All the career counseling on the web and in published books focus now on "networking" to find a job. Well, unless you are a very social butterfly with a ton of time on your hands you are not going to meet everyone at every hospital in Atlanta! So let's band together and help folks find a job.

The most helpful information is name of facility, open position, person making hiring decision and any specific criteria that you think they are looking for to fill that position (same information I collect when I take an employment order to post a position, in my old job).

I think we can provide a great service to nurses in Atlanta, I thank you in advance for your sharing. Also, please tell your friends to join This could become a powerful voice for all of nursing! :yeah:

Rockdale Medical Center is having an open house today from 10 am to 3 pm. Go check them out. Their theme is Mardi Gras so wear yellow and purple. Good luck!:smilecoffeecup:

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