Jefferson State RN Nights & Weekends Tract

U.S.A. Alabama


I am interested in the Nights & Weekends program at Jefferson State.I am enrolled to start in the summer and will be starting from the beginning. I have to take the placement test and from what I understand you only have to have Math 100, ENG 101 & BIO 202 (i think) before applying to the program. I am a married, mom of 2 school aged childen & I have a public school job so I am off during the summer. I don't want to take on too much so I'm not sure if I need to work a little at a time & just try to get as many classes out of the way before applying to the program. I just don't know how much would be to much b/c I don't know what to expect. If anyone that has completed this program or that is in it now could give me more info. on what to expect & their opinnions on what they think works best I would greatly appreciate it. I know I want to do it, I've just got to figure out if it's going to be possible. Thanks!

I am interested in the Nights & Weekends program at Jefferson State.I am enrolled to start in the summer and will be starting from the beginning. I have to take the placement test and from what I understand you only have to have Math 100, ENG 101 & BIO 202 (i think) before applying to the program. I am a married, mom of 2 school aged childen & I have a public school job so I am off during the summer. I don't want to take on too much so I'm not sure if I need to work a little at a time & just try to get as many classes out of the way before applying to the program. I just don't know how much would be to much b/c I don't know what to expect. If anyone that has completed this program or that is in it now could give me more info. on what to expect & their opinnions on what they think works best I would greatly appreciate it. I know I want to do it, I've just got to figure out if it's going to be possible. Thanks!

I'm currently in the program 2nd semester. I highly recommend getting as many pre-reqs done before entering program. Nursing classes alone are very time consuming and stressful enough. I know u say u work full-time and have a family so of course u should do what's best for your schedule. However, the more u are able to eliminate the better off in my opinion. The program is great they are flexible and they will accommodate as much as they can.

Thank you so much for posting I was looking for information on Jeff States program. I am currently taking Pre-Nursing courses at Bevill (in A&P1 now). How many times a year do I take apps for program? Do they use the TEAS V test? Thanks so much and best of luck to you both..

Thanks for the info. The one thing I keep hearing over & over is to get as much out of the way before starting the nursing program. To the 2nd reply, yes they do use the TEAS V Test.

Thank you so much for posting I was looking for information on Jeff States program. I am currently taking Pre-Nursing courses at Bevill (in A&P1 now). How many times a year do I take apps for program? Do they use the TEAS V test? Thanks so much and best of luck to you both..

You get accepted based on the point system. They use your grades from your Biology's & Math grade along with the TEAS V . Click around on this link and it should answer your questions... GET AS MUCH OF THE PREREQS AS YOU CAN!!!

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