Ivy Tech Indy Admission Question


I recieived a B in A and P 101 :uhoh21: is there any way in hell that I might have a chance of getting into Ivy Tech Indy's Program? I got all A's in all of my other pre-reqs and 92 on the TEAS.

Thank You

I recieived a B in A and P 101 :uhoh21: is there any way in hell that I might have a chance of getting into Ivy Tech Indy's Program? I got all A's in all of my other pre-reqs and 92 on the TEAS.

Thank You

Were you thinking of applying for the LPN or ASN?

Absolutely! Each semester is different on what grades are needed, but don't fret on not having all A's. Students that get all A's for their prereqs don't always do as well in the nursing program. Did you know that Ivy Tech Indy didn't even fulfill all the slots they had available this past Spring? Go for the RN program!

Did you already apply and are now waiting? With those grades, even if you don't make the RN program, you will make LPN. I know lots of people that have applied with all B's.

I applied to the RN and have all A's and a 91. Remember that it is only a 10 point difference between the A and the B and your TEAS is higher than most. Most people I have spoken to that applied scored in the low to mid 80s on the TEAS.

Dont fret. You will get into one of the programs. Even if you don't get in come Fall, they admit again in Spring. And if you get into the LPN program and one of the RN students fail out or drop, a spot becomes available and you can take it if you have more points than the other LPN students that want the spot.

Hope that makes sense. Long story short....the answer is always no if you don't ask, so apply.

There is a girl in my class (Indy) who got 3As and a B and a 95 on the TEAS and didn't get into the ASN program. She is in the LPN program. I don't know about spots not being filled, etc--but those spots might be LPN spots or spots from people dropping. There are LPN students who would love to be in the ASN program, so it doesn't make sense to me that there were any ASN spots unfilled. I know everyone I have talked to in the ASN program had all As in the prereqs and an 87 or above on the TEAS.

I don't know what semester your friend is in, but it's amazing how the numbers have increased. Last year they only took 60 students and now they take 120 students for the spring and fall admissions. I heard that students could only switch to the ASN program after they completed their first year courses and that if a student is interested they have to let them know.

The first year is exactly the same for RN and LPN so an LPN student can go into the RN program 2nd year instead of finishing their classes up in the summer. Typically, the LPN goes Fall/Spring/Summer, while the RN is Fall/Spring/Fall/Spring.

I'm pretty certain it is still point based as to who gets the available spots. For instance, if one spot is available in the RN program, and you have all A's and a 91 but I have all A's and a 90 but we both want the spot, you would get it.

I know a student who got into the RN program that had a lower total admission score, but was getting all A's in nursing courses over a student who had gotten a B and C in first year. That makes total sense to me since the preference should go to the student doing better in the nursing courses than the prereqs. I guess that's a good question to ask at the info session or to call the program chairs directly.

I have your post and I am wondering, has any one heard of doing exceptionally well in all the pre-req's and not able to pass the TEAS?? This is what I think stinks. My friend got all A's and barely did not pass the TEAS... a mere few %.:scrying: I think that someone who works so hard in the class and yet take the TEAS and that determines who even gets in the program. Exspecially not being fresh out of high school. I understand the competiviness of it all, but let the grades you earned in class be what determines who get's in or not. Just my opinion.

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