It's been a long time coming. Finally starting pre-reqs and have a few questions

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello all, just wanted to introduce myself and say I am glad that I have found this place. I will be starting my pre-reqs in the spring and I would be lying if I did not say I am a bit nervous. Not only have I been out of school for awhile, well somewhat, going part time, taking a class here and a class there, but that was towards a different degree. A little info on me, I am 30 years old, have no children, never went to a regular high school, did independent studies my first year and opted to take my G.E.D soon after my freshman year. Funny thing is after getting my GED right after I turned 17 I was gonna start taking a CNA class but changed my mind last minute.

I have never stepped foot in a chemistry or biology class, but in junior high school science was always my favorite subject and I always did good, so I am hoping that I can pick this up. Back in 2006 I was working at a nursing home in Missouri working towards my CNA certification, through on the job training and classes but unfortunately for me, in a 12 week period the classes went through 3 different teachers and I literally had to be fired and get rehired because I was coming up on my time limit, so needless to say I took that as a sign and went back to my love for graphic design and have been doing it freelance for about 6 years now. But for some reason, after turning 30 I keep thinking about my future and I need something solid, that should always be there, plus I love helping and taking care of people. My childhood was anything but typical and I refuse to let that be my excuse as to why I do not succeed in life.

I know for sure that nursing what I want to do, would like to specialize in psychiatric and possibly addiction nursing ( I know those jobs come after I put in the grunt work for a few years or more ) and I think I want to go as far as my BSN. I think later on in my career, or even in the beginning, when I am qualified, I would love to travel. My plan, if all goes as it should, is to get my ADN-RN at college of the Siskiyous through their LVN and then their LVN to RN step up program and hopefully after that get accepted into OHSU, CHICO or SAC state BSN program, although I am researching alternatives now so I know what my goal is, reviewing the different point systems and what I have to work towards during this time to make sure I get accepted. It seems so far fetched to me and I know it will be a lot of work and I am fine with that, I will be going full time and hope I can accelerate in my program at some point.

I guess I am wondering if anyone can relate. Getting a G.E.D, no typical high school classes, starting in on nursing a little later on in life, and not saying 30 is later in life lol, just wondering where I would be if I stuck it out when I was 17. As I said earlier, I do graphic design as my job which will give me the flexibility I need for school and I consider myself a minimalist so a cheap little studio or one bedroom, a high speed internet connection and my cellphone and I consider myself good to go.

Okay I am rambling, sorry. I shall go back to reading the boards now. Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any and all input and information. I will take what I can get, good and bad.

Omg...our stories are almost identical. I'm going to.send you

I posted a similar thread yesterday...23 years old and now just really starting to focus on my pre-reqs. We can do it! It is never to late to go for your dreams, people enter nursing at all ages. Just see it as this, we are now wiser and know what we want! college of the siskiyous? I'm thinking of applying there as well as RCC and OHSU...I live in Southern Oregon, we are practically neighbors!

Thank you akilah530 and patty, I spent a good part of my teen years in weed, feel in love with the campus, the whole town in general. I am currently in Sacramento but am working on moving up there in the next 2 months.

Glad to see someone else working on the same thing I am, I am starting at the very bottom of my pre-reqs, altho I have a few previous courses that would count, I prefer to start all over if I can.

The good thing about RCC, where im taking my pre-reqs is that they let you re-take them for a better grade and then the better grade replaces the old grade. so all those c's and one f that i received when i first started off and didnt take it seriously can now change with my new attitute, determination, and hard work. Never give up, we can do this!

:) I am excited, I hate having to wait until January but I gotta get all my ducks In a row, and that includes planning out everything semester by semester, including summer classes :)

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