Published Dec 9, 2011
5 Posts
I was hoping to get some insight on the possibilities of getting into the basic BSN program at UM Ann Arbor. I am very aware of how competitive it is and need a non-sugar-coated's the situation:
I am finishing my 3rd semester at Mott Community College,[spring, summer, fall], and should finish with a 4.0...unless I royally mess up on finals. I am transferring to UM-Flint in winter....all of my classes have been focused on nursing prereq's and Gen Ed requirements for UMFlint. I was hoping I may have a possible chance to get into the UM Ann Arbor Basic BSN program as a sophmore transfer student if I kept my 4.0 [knowing very well it is going to be difficult to keep]. A huge hurdle that I am afraid will make it impossible to even be considered is the fact that I only have my GED , I'm 27 now, so that was quite some time ago...but I still feel silly for thinking a GED student, no matter how well they do in other colleges, would be considered for the program.
I have a wonderful opportunity to focus on school almost entirely, due to a very supportive boyfriend who wants me to do my best , so I do not work, I have no children, and my factory job went to China a few yrs ago allowing me to have 3yrs of my school paid for through a gov. program! I'm getting financial aid for my prereq's, but if all goes as planned, they should pay for the 3yrs of nursing school.
I know chances would be slim [if any chance at all], but it doesn't hurt to check it out and see if anyone has any input on the matter. I would love to get a great education at college that has one the top 5 nursing programs in the nation, to be trained with state of the equipment that can produce real life scenerios...their research would just be amazing. I will find out more at their 'sophmore information session', but that won't be untill Jan. 7th.
Any input would be greatly appreciated :). Thanks!!
Tonya M.
Sorry for the spelling errors spell check wasn't working, fully aware of how that reflects as someone trying to get into a prestigious program [embarrassed].
tnbutterfly - Mary, BSN
83 Articles; 5,923 Posts
Moved to MI Nursing Programs forum. Hopefully you get more responses here.
Thank You :)
71 Posts
I say it doesnt hurt to apply and just see. The worst they can say is no...Just have a backup plan in place if you dont get in. But with a 4.0 I think your chances are better than you think. good luck!