Published Jul 24, 2006
347 Posts
Howdy folks.
Preface this by saying that I'm not looking for medical advice, just for the proper terminology - and no, it's not me - I am just stumped.
61F, non-smoker c/o rib/heart/breast pain - unsure of source, but palpating area over left breast causes severe, shooting pain. Pain started after major dental work (several root canals, bone graft) and began as oral ulcers, throat ulcers, swollen lymph nodes in axillae with systemic s/s of fever, malaise, arthralgia. These symptoms resolved, but lymph nodes remained swollen and tender and one spot on left chest really painful to touch. Mammo and blood work unremarkable. Chest-x-ray showed fluid in that area of L lung, but MD says not likely to be clinically significant. Of course, if it's that painful, it's significant IMO. CT scheduled to further evaluate.
Edited to add - since systemic infection cleared, no other s/s. No SOB, no night sweat, diarrhea, fever, nothing. Just this pain.
I'm thinking that this is sequelae to what was probably an infection from dental work and that the body has walled off a little pus ball, or fluid, or something. Does this make sense? Has anyone ever seen this? Wouldn't AB's be indicated while waiting for CT/results?