Is it too much?


this is our dilemma since we were in our second year of nursing. our school has a lot of extra curricular activities which we are obliged to attend. it supposed to be not a problem at all but what happens is that some of the activities is being held along with our scheduled hospital duties. what they do is let us attend the said extra curricular activities instead of going to our hospital duties. after that, they will extend the days of our duty just to make it up to the days we have lost in our hospital duties. instead of completing the required hours of duty at the right time, we spend additional days just to reach the required hours. yes it is our responsibility to attend those activities because we are part of the school. but the problem is sometimes the activities are not already connected with the nursing field. sometimes we feel that we have just wasted our time attending those activities instead of learning new in the hospital. i may say that our school has a good educational system. but what we want is to finish things on time for us to have our rest before starting another semester. is your school like this? just want to know if there are other students having dilemma like this one? :confused:

our nursing students are in a "bubble" at our school and our program is really held seperate from the rest of the school. Our nursing stuff ALWAYS comes first. The only times I can think of where we were doing school functions instead, are when the school holds bar-b-ques or something where free food is involved (they do that a few times a year as thank yous or publicity stunts for prospective students) and then they allow us to go grab something to eat and they cut 20 minutes out of our class time. When we get back, they just cut class time short and skip over things wont be on the test more than they would normally.

We have never ever had to do extra clinical time ever. Clinicals for us are 6:45am to 12:45 noon, and thats that. They are shorter when we have a tour and shorter/longer for orientation and our last day depending on the activities scheduled (one rinky dink hospital actually kept us for NINE HOURS for orientation... they only have 5 patients in the whole hospital so I guess they had time on their hands).

I think you'd be within your right to talk to your professors about it's impact on your energy level and study time, especially if multiple students are having the same concern.

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