Published Sep 29, 2009
13 Posts
Hi all,
I am a new BSN graduate that recently got her RN license. I have an interview with the assistant nurse manager for a new grad position at Orlando Health hospital. What kind of questions should I expect? My friend in another state was grilled on the unit's specific specialty, how much she knew about nursing care for cancer pts, etc. It was brutal, never ending questions like that.
What are the interviews like in Florida? What have you experienced going in as a new grad. More general questions like what are your strengths/weaknesses or will they throw a lot of medical and nursing care question to see how much you know?
Your quick responses would be much appreciated. My interview is coming up VERY soon!!
Thank you!!!!
465 Posts
1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Tell me about a time you had a difficult patient.
3. Tell me about a time you provided good customer service.
4. They gave me 2 patient senerios and asked what would your nursing interventions be? What medication orders or procedures would you expect the doctor to order?
5. Why do you want to work in this unit? hospital?
6. Why did you become a nurse?
7. If you walk by a patient's room who is not assigned to you and their call light is on, what would you do? What if the patient had feces all over them and needed to be cleaned?
8. Did you do any clinical rotation in this hospital?
9. Describe a time when you demonstrated keen assessment skills.
21 Posts
hey thanks for sharing those questions. I'm sure it's gonna help me prepare for an interview. Hopefully i could land one.