Interview with a nurse


Hi, I'm doing a report for school on the nursing shortage. Is there a nurse who could answer these questions for me? If so, it would really help me out a lot. Thanks, Kelly

  • What is your credibility?

  • How long have you been a nurse?

  • What was your reason for becoming a nurse?

  • Does the hospital you work for ever shut down a floor to save money?

  • Do you find your job more stressful than most other jobs?

  • Has there ever been a time when you felt you wanted to quit your job from the stress of everything?

  • Why do you think the nursing shortage has become such an issue?

  • Do you have any suggestions on how the nursing shortage can be overcome?

  • What do you see in the future for the nursing field?

  • In the past empires have survived by expanding. Do you think this principle could be used with hospital expansion?

  • In your opinion, is the government doing enough to counter act the nursing shortage?

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