Published Nov 12, 2008
1 Post
Hi. I'm not a nurse. My girlfriend is though. She has been working in pediatric oncology for 2 years and loves it.
I recently moved to a new town and she is trying to get a job at the Children's Hospital here so she can move in with me.
Yesterday she had an interview for a job on the floor she wants. It didn't go as well as she wanted.
During the interview, the head nurse asked if she ever bonded with patients. My girlfriend answered yes and the woman immediately snapped back 'that is unacceptable'.
At my girlfriends hospital they get really involved with the kids and it's okay. Apparently not here. My gf feels it killed the interview.
She is considering calling today and aside from thanking the woman for her time, saying that she feels she has the professionalism to adapt to this new policy.
She is also considering just doing it in a follow up letter which she will send regardless.
Do you think she should call?? Obviously she has to do it today if she does!
Help please??? :)
1,301 Posts
This response is probably after the call but I have problems with the manager snapping on your gf. If that is the tone of the manager, what would it be like working on the floor?