Interview for Critical Care Sponsorship

Specialties Critical



I have an upcoming critical care sponsorship interview. I’m very nervous about it as I have never worked in ICU. The only “experience” I have is from school, where I got to shadow an ICU nurse for 2 days ? but it’s a dream unit for me! I’m assuming they would ask entry level questions as it’s a sponsorship program but please please comment some tips! Thanks all!

Specializes in ACNP-BC, Adult Critical Care, Cardiology.

There's obviously no way to predict what's going in the minds of the people who will interview you but to me first impressions always make an impact. 

Show enthusiasm and express a commitment to the ICU bedside nursing role.  I would start thinking of positive things that you observed in the 2 days you were in the seeing more autonomy in the clinical decisions that the nurses made, how collaborative they are with providers and other ICU team members, how detail-oriented they seem to be, how they advocate for their patients. 

Paint a picture that this is how you would eventually want to become as a nurse.  As a novice candidate, I would avoid statements that imply a desire to pursue advanced practice one day (such as CRNA) even if that's your goal.  I think it's best to project a desire of becoming a good ICU nurse first.

Good luck! Critical thinking skills are essential for an ICU nurse. Try to think of some examples where you got to utilize them prior. 

I would mention your desire to be in ICU, that you want to become a great critical care nurse, and eventually take your CCRN etc. 

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