interview: what to ask them


Specializes in Med Surg, Tele, Ortho.

I have an elementary school nurse interview this week and was wondering what questions I should be asking them. It is a school where I am the primary nurse and care for 250+ students. Also - When is it ok to ask about the pay?

I have been a telemetry nurse for 3 years and am looking to transition into school nursing.

Thanks in advance. :nurse:

hi teleRN, I have a school nurse interview within the week, too. Here are a few questions that come to mind, that I plan to ask:

*What are the work hrs? (7-330, 730-4, etc?)

*Will I have other duties within the school, such as hall monitoring, end-of-day bus duty (can't think of the right word, but basically does nurse, along with other staff, assist with making sure kids get on the correct bus safely), etc?

I hope to learn about the position, duties, etc during initial part of the interview, i.e. what is typical day like for school nurse, school nurse orientation (will another nurse be orienting me to my position/office, etc), nurse office supplies: are they supplied by the school or will I be responsible for obtaining?, dress code for school nurse?, am I required to be State certified within a period of time after hire?, what are your (to the interviewer) expectations for me?.....i always ask about salary last. They will most likely be expecting you to ask, so I see no problem in asking. I find that most interviewers nowadays answer the question generally, "the salary will be determined based on your years of nursing experience", without giving you a specific quote right then. I guess they wouldn't want you to be turned off by the pay before being offered the position should they choose you. Just my opinion.

Keep me posted on how your interview goes! Best of luck, SeptVirgo

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