Interview Advice


Hi everyone!

I hope your day is going great. I'm a new grad (May 2011) and I have an interview for a position on an ortho/neuro unit tomorrow. I was hoping to get some advice on what might be asked from the nursing aspect. I'm very nervous and I just want to do well. I've researched the hospital and made some questions I would like to ask them. If anyone has any advice or words of encouragement, I would appreciate it. Thank you and have a great day!

Good luck for your interview Beth!

The questions I'm about to post may or may not be useful- I'm not familiar with how things are done in the US, but these are pretty stock-standard questions used in interviews here in Aus.

There are a few categories that questions are drawn from. You can pretty much guarantee getting at least one question about conflict resolution, your attributes, a clinical scenario, and occupational health and safety.

Conflict resolution

    You notice a coworker who smells strongly of alcohol at the begining of the shift, what would you do?

    You observe a colleague behaving inappropriately by yelling at a patient, what would you do?

  • A colleague says inappropriate things about your clinical practice infront of patients, what would you do?

Your attributes

  • Tell us what skills or attributes you can bring to the unit?

  • What would be some of your weaknesses? (always spin these into a positive!)

  • Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

  • What are your professional goals?

Clinical scenario

  • You are caring for 4 patients, and you receive a post op something/new admission (enter whatever patient for the specialty youre goig for). You do a set of obs and find they are abnormal (they'll normally tell you what they were). Outline what you would do from here

    You have 5 patients (they list what is wrong with each of them- eg; one has an AB due, one is calling out, one needs to go to the toilet, one is for comfort care and needs repositioning, one is deteriorating). Tell us how you would prioritise the care for these patients


    You identify a hazard in your workplace, what do you do?

    You have a bariatric patient admitted to your ward, but there is no bariatric equipment available. What would you do?

    How do you ensure your work environment is safe?

Just a few off the top of my head, hope they help!


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