Interested in hearing from JCCC and/or KU Med Nursing students!

Nurses General Nursing


Hello! I'm a prenursing student who has applied to JCCC's ADN program as well as KU Med's BSN program for Fall '07. As a mother of a 3 year old, I'm interested in hearing feedback from JCCC and/or KU Med Nursing students who have recently graduated or are currently enrolled. I'm especially interested in hearing from other moms or dads who attended or are attending nursing school while also balancing the responsibilities of parenthood. I'm curious about how many hours per day were devoted to time on campus and also time studying at home. I'm just trying to get an idea of what lies ahead for me. I know its going to be challenging, exhausting and exciting...but I'm having a hard time figuring out how I am going to find childcare for all the many hours that I'll be at school or needing to study. (My husband works full time and also attends school part-time to prepare for nursing school). Sorry to be so longwinded, and thanks to anyone who can provide feedback!

I'm not in JCCC or KU Med's BSN's program, but I am currently attending Rockhurst/Research College of Nursing in Kansas City MO and I am a single mother of a 10 yr old son. It's hard I must admit. You have to really priortize your time. I am in my first semester of a BSN program and I am used to working 40 hours a week and going to school at night. Now that I'm going to school fulltime, I have too much free time and I'm having a hard time priortizing. I am learning though. Invest in a good Palm, set up a good schedule where you take time out to devote just to studying, family, yourself, relaxion, and STICK WITH IT! I am finding myself studying more than I should and then not relaxing as much. I used to be a gym rat and workout 3-4 times a week and I havent been to the gym ONCE since the program started on 01/17/07. But I am working on it.

Just remember good time management skills.

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