Published May 27, 2011
446 Posts
I recently (about 3 months ago switched to a day shift job) trying to cure my insomnia and also following the advice of my family doc. We checked my thyroid, it was normal. He put me on elavil and it helps, but if I dont' take it, I am back to my 1 hour of sleep per night. I've tried everything!
I saw a counselor, thinking maybe that would help, only saw him once because its $150 per visit. But he's a doctor and he did not like the idea of me taking elavil. I should go back to see him and find out why.
Anyone else suffer from insomnia? What helps?
One thing that I found that did help is listening to Archibald Hart's relaxation CDs. Sometimes it will put me to sleep. Nothing else helps, and believe me I've tried everything, took benedryl for 20 years and melatonin.
110 Posts
I have been dealing with insomnia on and off for about 15 years now and I know how debilitating it can be. The key to curing insomnia is learning whether it is psychological or physical. In my case -- it's psychological. My mind races, I think about everything and anything as soon as my head hits the pillow. Here are a few things that have helped me.
A bedtime routine -- sounds corny but it helps. I start with chamomile tea and dimming the lights. Get to bed around the same time every night, listen to those cd's if they are helping you, make sure your bed is as comfortable as possible and make sure you do not try to force yourself to sleep. If you feel tired but not sleepy, read or do something else that is calming to you.
If things are racing through your head try writing a list before you go to bed. I do this and call it my "worry list". I write everything down that is on my mind so that I can 'remember' (not that I could actually forget) to worry about those things tomorrow. It's sort of a psychological trick you play on yourself. This helped me TREMENDOUSLY !
Finally, when all else fails I have taken Ambien 10 mg. It works for me but some ppl have a terrible 'hangover' feeling the next day.
Also, I know you said you have taken melatonin but have you ever tried sublingual melatonin in liquid form? I was shocked at how much more effective it was than the traditional tablet form.
Hope some of this helps.
Be well.
No Stars In My Eyes
5,228 Posts
Wish I could help you, but I am one wicked, back-sliding sleeper!I am supposed to be aiming for 7-8 hrs/noc, HOWEVER....unless I take my medicine (latest try is seroquel 25 mg.) at 7 PM at latest, there is NO WAY I can go to bed at 9 PM. I'm always forgetting it, because that's so early to think about taking sleep meds! And if I'm doing a 12 hr. shift, that means I have to take it the very second I get home! ( And a very weird thing: if I have to get up to empty my bladder in the middle of the night when I DO take the seroquel...I have almost hallucinogenic patterns flashing throughout my visual field!) A 3-11 shift would be good for me, but most places/cases require 12 instead of 8 hrs. And I'd never see my hubby, because HE goes to bed at 9:15 on the dot.....AND SLEEPS until 5AM; SIGH! I am going back to my doc next week and will have to confess I have not been able to follow his "orders" for more than two or three nights in a row at a time; I have had more than a few nights when I was still awake at 2:45 AM, 3:45 AM. I have tried night-shifts, but feel generally sick-ish all the time and have to eat something about every two hours to keep my bloodsugar pumped up enough to stay awake.And I don't need any additional weight! CURSES! I know there's no magic-tricks; I've read ALL the articles about sleep "hygiene"....Is there such a thing as a Sleep Rehab facility? I think I would have to be completely taken out of my life-as-it-is, and concentrate solely on re-booting my internal clock. Yeah, I know....Dream on!
I did pretty good for a while, now I am back to my old habits! I quit taking the elavil because I thought it was making me gain weight. Not sure though, it could also be the fact that I am not getting any exercise driving around in my van all day which is a huge change from before when my body was in constant motion.
I'm wondering about going back to the psychologist that I only saw once because its so expensive. He didn't like that I was taking elavil. Don't know why but I feel like I should ask him. I gotta do something!
Maybe too because the holidays are coming up and I HATE feeling so isolated when it appears that everyone else is enjoying them so much. Yuck.
I'm doing a little better sleep-wise since I posted here previously (June).
I've never heard of elevil being given for sleep, 'least i don't think I have.
It just amazes me how many people have problems sleeping.
I've been back to my psychologist lately; seems all the sleeplessness weakened my resistance to dealing with my problems....I ended up doing some VERY expensive crying ( half of the 50-min. 'hour' of the appt.). But I do feel somewhat better now. Except that holding all that tension in so hard has caused an IBS flair. "It just goes to show ya, it's always somethin". (Emily Latella/ SNL)
Anyway,V-best of luck with your sleep battles.