input please


Hello to everyone. I've been reading from this site for quite a while and have found lots of great advice and information through reading other people's posts. I would like to get some input from those of you who feel qualified regarding my upcoming applications for CRNA school. As just about everyone here, I am extremely nervous (and excited) at the opportunity to apply and, ultimately, to be accepted into a program.

I graduated with a ADN in 2001 and started working in a level III neonatatal intensive care unit and stayed there for close to four years. During that time I completed my BSN at a state university. It was also during that time that I decided that I was going to "go for it" and start steering myself towards CRNA school. I changed fields and got into adult CVICU. I did this for about a year and then decided to travel nurse in order to make more money and pay off my debt in order to prepare for not working for a few years. While travelling, I started doing adult SICU and am currently in a permanent position (where I did my first travel assignment). I now have a total of two years adult critical care experience. I am proud to say that I have accomplished my goal of having zero debt and am ready to apply. I am thinking now that I would like to practice pediatric anesthesia.

I guess I would just like some overall advice. Specifically, I am a bit concerned that I don't belong to any professional organizations. I guess I just haven't taken the time with all the moving around I've done literally and between fields.

I will begin the application process in the upcoming months. I am currently studying for my GRE and will probably apply ahead of those results. Oh, my overall GPA is 3.76. No organic chemistry but Chem I & Chem II with labs. I will also be taking a course this summer which combines Gen Chem, BioChem and Organic Chem - mostly as a chem refresher and to touch on the subjects of biochem and organic.

Thanks in advance for any input.


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