Indiana State University Lpn-Bsn CA BRN review.


Please does anyone know the outcome of the CA BRN Lpn-Bsn review at ISU.

I'm supposed to be starting this Fall 2012 with the nursing classes but we are put on hold until after the review which we don't know when exactly it will be over and what will come out of it.

Please does anyone know the outcome of the CA BRN Lpn-Bsn review at ISU.

I'm supposed to be starting this Fall 2012 with the nursing classes but we are put on hold until after the review which we don't know when exactly it will be over and what will come out of it.

Are you still on hold with the SSU / ISU LVN to BSN program? If you are on hold, I assume that you have not started any actual nursing classes at ISU. For those admitted students in the program I think that ISU is starting to place them and are now doing catch up. That is, they may have taken a clinical Spring 2012 and the clinical liaison for Calif could not placed the student(s) in any Calif clinical. Now that Fall 2012 is here, some students are taking the clinical from Spring as well as doing the next lecture/clinical during the same semester. Last I heard, Calif BRN stated that all clinical/lecture classes had to be concurrent, but as of Fall 2012, the situation continues.

A few of us called up to the CA BRN and talked to the person who is responsible at the BRN for the SSU/ISU program. She stated that the issues were resolved and ISU was to do something, but ISU declined to do it. No idea what ISU was asked to do.

Why not placce a phone call the the CA BRN specialist for the SSU / ISU LVN to BSN nursing program? I will not mention the person's name but her initials are CM. This is the only person who can give you info about what is going on. We did not ask for specific,s and now we am sorry we didn't.

It may be that ISU is overhauling its program under the board's guidance. In Calif many nursing programs are divided into semesters (semesters are about 20 weeks) but the semester is also subdivided. There are two sessions a semester. Meaning that they have 2 lecture and clinicals a semester--each about 9-10 weeks long.

The current problem with the Calif SSU / ISU is it takes so long to matriculate through the program. It would be wonderful if ISU revamped the program to enable the LVN/LPNs go through the program faster. There are 6 clinical and 8 lecture classes. As it is now, if a student took 2 clinical/lecture classes a year, the total time would be a minimum 3 years to complete. Yet, if students would take 2 clinical/lecture classes a semester that would mean 4 classes year (not counting summer). Conceiveably, the program could be done in about 18 months--which makes more sense. Note that if students went through the program faster, it would cut down on ISU/SSU's income stream making ISU not that motivated to make any changes. But this is all conjecture on my part as I have no acctual info. Only person who can give info is the person I mentioned.

Thank you very much LadyinScrubs, that info and insight was really helpful and I appreciate. I was actually called today by ISU nursing Dept to register my nursing classes, the CA BRN review is over and we r cleared to register for nursing classes. I'm so relieved, happy and ready to learn!

Please does anyone know the outcome of the CA BRN Lpn-Bsn review at ISU.

I'm supposed to be starting this Fall 2012 with the nursing classes but we are put on hold until after the review which we don't know when exactly it will be over and what will come out of it.

No one knows the outcome of the Calif BRN investigation but I was told that the BRN would allow those enrolled to matriculate to graduation if the program was discontinued in Calif.

Now allegedly word has gone out that Sonoma State backed out of the SSU/ISU LVN to BSN partnership and that allegedly any potential student not accepte into the program is inelligible to take any nursing classes in the SSU/ISU program.

Hi LadyinScrubs,

Thank you for the excellent info as usual...I was told by ISU rep that after 9/27/12 there would be updated info about the BRN decision....obviously, I'm still waiting....will post any new info as soon as I receive it....

Mean while I have signed a petition worth signing:

with the exception that I believe all LVN/LPNs with pt care experience (not necessarily 5year can be less) be given the opportunity to sit for RN NCLEX:

Fri, September 28, 2012 12:07:00 AMLPN to RN

Specializes in Pediatrics, ICU, ED.

I'm sad to hear that SSU has terminated their contract with ISU. I know that many LVNs in California go is route in hopes to bridge as an RN. Could you send me information on the petition? I would like to sign it and support you guys. Thanks!

I'm sad to hear that SSU has terminated their contract with ISU. I know that many LVNs in California go is route in hopes to bridge as an RN. Could you send me information on the petition? I would like to sign it and support you guys. Thanks!

The Indiana State University distant learning program that was connected to Sonoma State University (a California State University) has dissolved--and for good reason.

1. The contract (aka MOU) between ISU and SSU ended January 2012 but the two universities did not enter into any negotiations prior to the MOU end date.

2. The two universities decided to temporarly extend the old MOU for 6 months (January to July);

3 There was no renewal in July and the MOU was renewed temporarily for another 6 months, until Dec.

4. The Californial State University Chancellor did not renew the MOU as of September 25, 2012. The 2nd temporary MOU ends December 31, 2012. No extension; end of program at that time.

Sadly, neither ISU nor SSU announced the end of the program and the Chancellor's decision Instead, the two universities forced the CA BRN to break the news to those in the Board meeting audience.

Additionally, there were serious compliance issues the Partnership between Indiana State and Sonoma State had with with the Calif BRN. I personally was aware of problems within the ISU program, and when I went to the Califorinia business code (I believe that is the code) as well as the Calif BRN rules/laws, I noted that ISU was out of compliance (or had broken at least 4 of the rules/laws)--actually the CA BRN noted even more noncompliance issues.

May 2012 - According to the California BRN, it initiated an investigation into Indiana State University's LVN to BSN program after it received a student complaint. According to the CA BRN, unless a student complains the Board is not aware of problems. [Makes one wonder where the consumer protection is in this instance.] So, the CA BRN investigated and from what the Board said at the hearing, ISU told the Board's investigator there were no noncompliance issues. The CA BRN closed the student's complaint without prejudice.

Then the CA BRN started to receive more student complaints. The BRN went back to ISU and started a real investigation. What the BRN found was a program that had 7 noncompliance issues. During the investigation, ISU continued to admit new students into the program. When the Calif BRN Board asked the Board's investigator why the CA BRN allowed ISU to continue to admit students when there were the outstanding compliance issues, the CA BRN investigator stated to the Board and all those at the San Diego Board meeting, "ISU LIED TO US." Meaning that ISU lied to the CA BRN investigator who was charged with investigating student complaints of problems within the program.

I have no idea the ramifications of lying to a Board of Nursing when it is investigating student complaints or noncompliance issues within the nursing program, but I would imagine that the CA BRN was not too happy with the ISU nursing administrators. FYI: Those ISU nursing administrators present were: the ISU Health and Human Services Dean, the executive director for the nursing dept, and the department chair for the nursing department, ISU attorney, and a few other people. There were also SSU nursing administrators at the CA BRN meeting, also.

As to why the California State University Chancellor pulled the plug on the LVN to BSN program--a good source of income for SSU and ISU--is unknown Possibly, the Chancellor never intended to renew the contract with ISU as noted that no contact was renewed once the original MOU (contract) ended January 2012.

Possibly after reviewing the LVN to BSN program, receiving information about the Calif BRN investigation of student complaints, and realizing that Indiana State University nursing administration had lied to the BRN that the Chancellor felt that ISU was too much of a liability for the California State University system to tolerate.

Either way, the program ends December 2012. All those students who are taking their prerequisites, are involved in challenge exams, or are admitted to the program have not only lost their money but also their time. Although the CA BRN Board meeting was Thursday, September 27th, to date ISU has failed to notify the students of the end of the program and what ISU plans to do to assist the students or how much it will refund of their tuition. What students have been told is to continue with their classes as ISU is diligently working on their behalf to work a teach out plan. However, there is no program for ISU and even if ISU found a partner to offer a new program, any program could not exist before next year.

The California BRN Board meeting was videotaped. The Board will post its minutes and video of the September 27, 2012 meeting Anyone wishing to review the discussion of the SSU/ISU distant learning LVN to BSN program can hear what was said about ISU and what the two universities said in their defense--as well as what members of the audience said when they addressed the Board and SSU/ISU.

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