Published May 15, 2016
1 Post
Hello all,
I am interested in people's opinions about my situation and what areas of nursing I should maybe steer my experience towards. Or if you're a nurse and immune compromised maybe share what field you work in and how you deal with your illness.
I am doing a career change. I was a law enforcement park ranger for the National Park Service (NPS) and LOVED my job. I wanted to work for the NPS for the rest of my life-- I was that dedicated. However, I was diagnosed with the semi-rare autoimmune disease, Myasthenia Gravis that rendered me ineligible to work for the NPS, given that my job was extremely strenuous etc. I was/am devastated still and this was 3 years ago.
Anyway, since then I have been lost as to where I should go next….. after a year of recover from surgery etc. I got a job in a hospital as a reprocessing tech then moved upwards to histology tech and have been working on pre-requisites towards applying to a master's in nursing program. I figured that even though I didn't know what exactly I wanted to do I should busy myself with something and that was working towards nursing. I picked nursing because it seemed like a good direction- lots of jobs, variation, good pay and probably comes with decent healthcare (which I need). Though as I'm applying to programs I have been rethinking my decision to do nursing, I essentially thought that the field is SO broad there has to be something for me. But, I'm worried that I shouldn't work in nursing because I am immune compromised and I do have bouts of extreme fatigue where I sleep 10-12 hours. Also, when I get fatigued it affects my thinking/problem solving. So I'm worried if I'm having a Myasthenia day I might make mistakes or something that could compromise patient care, which I obviously don't want to happen. I work in a hospital now and nothing bad so far has happened, but nursing seems to be more fast-paced than my current position. Is there a field in nursing where immune compromised people go? I enjoy science and really love seeing the pathologist assistant and doctors gross tissue taken from patients. I also would enjoy seeing surgeries. But, I'm thinking that is not the best place for someone like me and my illness….. I'm thinking psych or research?
88 Posts
I would maybe look into non-clinical nursing, like a career as a case manager or working for an insurance company. There's also nursing informatics, and pharm. and med device sales. However, keep in mind that you will probably have clinical hours in school, and they can be somewhat strenuous. I would speak more directly with someone that heads a program you wish to apply to and explain your condition to see if nursing would be a good fit!