I'm looking to become a CRNA in a few years, what should be my concerns?

Specialties CRNA


I want to become a nurse anesthetist in a few years...what should I think about or prepare myself for. In addition, how should I prepare myself educationally to have the upper hand before entering anesthesia school. Should I focus on drug interactions within the body, or concentrate on pharmacology. If there are any CRNA'S out there(sleeper)..or professionals who would know this, your help would be highly appreciated..Thank you.

-malestudent-bsn :cool:

Gain as much experience as you can. STUDY for the GRE's for a long time before you take them. I used Kaplan's program and raised my score by abou 500 points.


if you know this well, everything else falls into place

I just interviewed for acceptance into a possible CRNA program, and it seemed that they really wanted alot of ICU training. In addition, they wanted an A or B in chemistry as well as having possibly taken physics. I am currently retaking chemistry as I have a C and even though I have worked ICU for almost 6 years, I am going to commute to work in a big city hospital ICU unit. I am also taking physics in the fall. I have not heard back from the interview process yet, but it has only been 3 days. Work hard and good luck.


Please Go to this link for very good info on becoming a CRNA:

Becoming a CRNA - From One Who Did It

If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a CRNA, you'll want

to read this posting. Kevin McHugh, CRNA, a member of the allnurses.com

discussion forums shares his valuable tips and inside advice.

Visit: https://allnurses.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=15598

noel your experince sounds a littel diffrent than I would have anticipated. please tell me that was Iowa that you interviewed with?


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