Ileostomy and wound dehiscence


I have a pt. in home care. d/c from hopsital yesterday. New ileostomy and surgical incision. incision dehisced the day before he went home, wound is approx. 5cm L x 9cm W x 3cm D. How to keep this wound clean? They are in very close proximity. Wound tx: Irrigate with 0.9% saline, pack wound with Aquacel, cover with a Tegasorb dressing. The problem is, with the real possibilty of stool leaking from the ostomy, the wound could become infected. So, in order to keep that wound protected, I do the wound care daily, and apply the Tegasorb, and the skin barrier/wafer phlange has to overlap onto the Tegasorb. This means the skin barrier wafer/phlange and then have to be changed daily as well. I'm afraid if I do the ostomy care and try to put the Tegasorb overlappping onto the skin barrier, the stool will leak under and contaminate the wound. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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