

I have posted this questions over on the AZ state site with no luck. Here is the deal-

Exploring the idea of moving to Arizona-FLagstaff to be specific. Flagstaff climate alot like here- but not as severe.

I have three years ICU and dialysis experience. I will be finished my degree (BSN) by Christmas of this year- and I have Critical Care certification (CNCC) and PALS and ACLS and TNCC.

I am interested in working as a nurse educator (in hospital).

I do like where I am- but I am getting older (over45) and would love a "life experience"- for 2-3 years.

My husband is willing to pull up and go. We are thinking of planning now to go as soon as I finish the BSN- so early next year.

I would love some of your perspectives- those who have gone to the US --- those who are there-----those who are back---those who would never go.

I have done a ton of research --reading-- now practical adivce--

Thanks JMP

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