I wonder if I passed STNA exam

Nursing Students CNA/MA


:rolleyes: I took the STNA exam today and I drew HANDWASHING, VITAL SIGNS, OCCUPIED BED MAKING (Ugh), VEST RESTRAINT, and HAIRCARE. I thought the written portion was a breeze! I keep replaying in my mind if I did everything right in the skills. Seems like it took me forever in occupied bed. Im sure when i get a job it will be a breeze! Glad I got it over, pray I passed!!!Im worried about the outcome of vital signs! Have trouble with taking a pulse!
Specializes in none as of yet.

I am nerocus about what I will pick at exam time too...from what I was told we have a half hour to accomplish a task? perhaps I heard wrong and its a half hour for all tasks total...ugh!! anywho...I can understand where you are coming from, playing things over in your head..but from what I heard, its hard to fail..you have to be very, very forgetful to fail...my instructor says to always remember handwashing, knocking, lower, lock and light(call light button) and I should be almost home free...we'll see... I stil have a problem getting a perferct BP reading, some people have such low pressures, that you freak and dont think you've got the cuff on right or the steth in the right spot...I know it does get easy with experience like you said, but for now, I get a bit nervous ...when will you get your results back?

I got my results! I passed! I was shocked to find out I didnt miss anything on the skills! BTW... I believe it was 30 or 35 minutes for all 5 skills. At least that is how Ohio is! When do you take it? GOOD LUCK! You'll do well. Dont let your nerves take over. In state of Ohio, we didnt have to know blood pressures.

Congratulations i take mine tomorrow! so nervous!!

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