Published Apr 19, 2015
21 Posts
Hi readers! I find myself at a crossroad in my life that I hope someone out there can help me hash out. I have been a med-surg nurse for nearly five years. Throughout my years, I have learned so much about the med-surg world and know that nursing is for me. I've worked on an ortho floor/stroke and neuro unit and med-surg in between. I've held the charge roll and know that coworkers and patients/families alike can trust me. However, I've grown complacent of my tasks and am ready for a change. I'm having trouble figuring what else I can do. I know the types of units and professons out there within nursing, but nothing particularly captivates me. I have pressure from my parents to go back to school to become an NP but I'm lacking the drive to start school up again. I've struggled to get through nursing school before, and I don't want to mess up grad school. The truth is, I'm 27, single, no kids, and live a pretty comfortable life as a bedside nurse. I have two jobs and after working 3-4 shifts a week, I have down time to do the things I like to do, like going to dance class or hanging out with friends. Leaving a lifestyle that you feel you have a handle on makes it touger to do something else- somethin that you know would teach you more and offer amazing experiences.
Unfortunately, there's a void in my mind. I know that I can do more, explore more, but I'm not too sure where to get started. I guess my question goes out to the nurses with familes and those who might have been in my shoes in the past. Where do I go from here? What can I do to find out what I'd like to do for my future? As someone as indecisive as me, it's getting more difficult to get through my days at work. I like children, but would I be able to like sick children? I like travelling, but my heart isn't set on travel nursing. I love visiting other countries, but am I ready for that move to work there? These are questions that go through my mind constantly. I've also been let go from a position during orientation before so the thought of moving on to something different is agonizing. Any advice would help, however honest and real. A phone conversation would suit me better. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. :)