Published Jun 1, 2006
Bruce RN
32 Posts
Hurricane season has officially started and although I'm currently far away from hurricane country, I'd like to find out how Gulf and Atlantic coastal hospitals are handling the possible threat this season and if any of you are working at a hospital that has since either learned it's lessons from Katrina and/or Rita and is changing it's policies and procedures or if nothing has changed at all.
The closest I've ever come to this situation is when I took a PACU assignment shortly after Rita at a teaching hospital that absorbed many displaced anesthesia students and residents from Katrina ravaged New Orleans.
Those anesthesia students/residents told me some of the most horrific stories of the things that went on in those hospitals after the storm.
Their stories were bad enough to frighten me from taking any future gulf coast assignments between June and November.
I guess that in the past I was always naively under the impression that hospitals who were literally in the line of fire would evacuate to inland hospitals and never put their patients or staff in that much danger.
I was sadly mistaken.
So for those of you working in hurricane prone areas in hospitals located very close to the waterfront, how is your hospital planning on handling a cat. 4 or 5 storm headed straight your way this season?
What are they expecting from you as employees this time around?
255 Posts
I live in Florida and am getting ready to start nursing school. We are expected to have over 14 named storms this year, and I have two kids to worry about, and I wonder what happens when a hurricane is coming and I can't go get them. Has anybody ever been through a hurricane while at clinicals? Are you considered a nurse and stay; I would think so. I need to make emergency arrangements for someone to pick my kids up if this happens I would guess. We had no bad storms last year, so I'm thinking we're gonna get hit this year. Does school close down like other county schools or because you're gonna be an RN wouldn't they send you to clinicals anyway, just like you would if it was your job?
I know this post is old, but if anybody has been through a hurricane while at school or the hospital, please give us some insight on what to expect.