hurdles and more hurdles...


I can't take no for an answer, or perhaps I've just had too many obstacles, health wise and otherwise for many here I am mid 40's and I need to do several things to obtain my license back; one being supervision by another RN for 225 hours for medication administration. I'm not young and have very limited nursing experience. I have spent several years dealing with health issues, etc; this threw my life off for a long time; now I decided to try it again and it has been extremely hard for me.

I took the refesher course in 2009 after having graduated 20 yrs prior!

my second job out I failed at!

However I did find work; doing some laser and assisting in an aesthetic clinic; I love it! but, I wish to have my license so I can expand on my career!

the college does not want me to have my license until I can demonstrate safe med administration to name one. (b/c I made so many errors at my last job)

Is this a lost cause do you think? the college requires that I do the med administration but I have absolutely no one that I can ask to hire me at this point; and how is someone going to hire me when i say I have to be supervised for several weeks (basically 'babysat' really!)

I feel so sad about this...

Gosh I wish I could just change so many things in the past!

Specializes in geriatrics.

If nursing is something you wish to pursue, then go for it. While it may take time to find someone willing to supervise you, that's your only option at this point. if you manage to get called for interviews, you'll need to be honest. However, 225 hours is two months of work, and most places require at least three months probationary period anyway. Good luck :)

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