Humorus List of Hospital Job Roles

Nurses Humor


Years ago when I was doing clinicals for school, I came across this plaque hanging on the wall of an inpatient unit with a list of hospital jobs and their job roles (ie, Housekeeping, Respiratory Therapy, Nursing Assistant, Nurse, Physician, etc). The list was humorusly worded and ended with the Nurse ultimately being the one in charge. I can't remember which hospital I saw this or what the name of the "Poem" was. Does anyone know anything about this and how I can find it? I would greatly appreciate any help. Thank you.

Specializes in Emergency Care.

Is this it?


Leaps tall buildings in a single bound

Is more productive than a train

Is faster than a speeding bullet

Walks on water

Talks with God


Leaps short buildings in a single bound

Is more powerful than a switch engine

Is faster than a speeding BB

Walks on water if the sea is calm

Talks with God if special request is approved

General Practitioner:

Leaps short buildings with a running start and favorable winds

Is almost as powerful as a switch engine

Can fire a speeding bullet

Walks on water in an indoor swimming pool

Is occasionally addressed by God


Barely clears a picket fence

Loses tug-of-war with a train

Can sometimes handle a gun without inflicting self-injury

Swims well

Talks with animals


Makes high skid marks on a wall when trying to leap buildings

Is run over by a train

Is not issued ammunition

Dog paddles

Talks to walls

Medical Student:

Runs into buildings

Recognizes a train 2 out of 3 times

Wets himself with a water pistol

Cannot stay afloat without a life preserver

Mumbles to himself


Lifts buildings and walks under them

Kicks trains off the track

Catches speeding bullets with her teeth and eats them

Freezes water with a single glance

The Nurse IS God!!!!

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