How to write the best article on the exam?

Nursing Students TEAS


You should start with Introductory Remarks:

This is a favorite step for the folk who have discovered the relaxed, playful atmosphere that works best at this stage of writing.

Other folk, panic in abject terror as they face the bloodless white paper or the grinding whine of a blank computer screen.

Believe it or not, there are folk whose innards turn to boiling anguish at the mere mention of writing.

They are frozen in their fear of failure, in best writing service insistence that one is supposed to write correctly the first time.


Prewriting is all about day dreams, about playing with ideas.

Prewriting is where you are encouraged to fool around until a day dream appears.

Prewriting is where, happy little elves and elfettes dance through your mind scattering rose petals of inspiration. (Yuck! I hope this makes the point that while prewriting it's OK not to take the writing seriously.)


My favorite prewriting activity is freewriting.

I freewrite about whatever it is that I'm supposed to be writing.

The paragraph just before this one is an example:

I just did a freewrite about prewriting and that's what came.

Sometimes I begin freewriting by complaining: "I am really tired and I don't feel like writing, especially for that jerk. . ."

Freewriting frees me from the panic that sometimes comes when I need to produce a piece of writing.

Because in freewriting there are no concerns about grammar, spelling, punctuation or even writing well, I am able to get loose and just let the words flow.


If you really want to help your writing in general, spend a buck on a small notebook and write in it for ten minutes every day.

This not only improves your ability to write, it often produces ideas for assigned papers.

Any time you get a writing assignment, read what's in your notebook, you may have already begun the assignment.

There may be an observation about spiders that could become a science essay; a memory that could become a narrative essay, a complaint that would be a dynamite thesis for an argumentative essay.

My favorite notebook happens to be a "Moleskine 192 lined pages, 9X14cm, acid-free paper, expandable inner pocket." I like it because it is very cool as proven by the historical fact that Hemingway used to carry one, and because it fits in my back pocket.

It's also useful for shopping lists.

Exploratory Drafting:

There is a special kind of freewriting, "exploratory draft" that can get you started very nicely.

In this freewrite, begin writing about whatever you know about the topic.

If you do not have an assigned topic, write about the fact that you have an assignment, how it feels, what you may fear, what you may hope.

As you write notice any ideas that seem interesting and write about those for a little while.

Often--not always, but often--when I do this I find that I have begun the paper without even realizing.

Somehow I have moved from general ideas to a specific one.

If you are about to begin an assigned writing, begin with "I'm supposed to write about....".

Then let it go.

Complain and whine all you want.

Be silly, be angry, be whatever you feel.

And, most importantly, it's ok to write poorly. There are more suggestions after the writing space.

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