Published Oct 16, 2011
2 Posts
I have a question for those who have succeeded in applying to CRNA school or those who have spoken to a CRNA program about this issue. I have 11yrs nursing experience, 7 being icu. I want to quit working and take 4 graduate classes to increase my GPA (3.1) to make myself a better candidate by next year BUT I don't know if quitting ICU for the yr will hinder my abilty to get in? Which is more important: the last 2yrs experience or increasing GPA? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I already have my GRE done, CCRN, ect. Just need ideas on this decision. thanks so much guys!!
261 Posts
I don't think quitting is a good idea. My admittance to the program I have been accepted to is contingent upon several things, one of which is that I maintain employment as a critical care RN. Have you already tried to get into school unsuccessfully? You may not need to improve your GPA and rack up more debt prior to school. If you can get an interview you can show them you're a worthy candidate. Or maybe just take one class to show them you're capable of graduate level work while still working in ICU. Lastly, just call the program and find out for sure what would be best.
thanks for the reply...yes I have tried a couple schools and got told my GPA isn't good enough. I've taken O-chem and aced it but it didn't matter, still not good enough grades, so I'm just trying to consider a new approach. Its good to know they told you to keep working until school, I may hear that when i call each school then for sure. Thanks!! And congrats on getting in!
wtbcrna, MSN, DNP, CRNA
5,127 Posts
I would try to stay on part-time/prn/float pool in the ICU that way you can honestly say that you are still working in the ICU when you do fill out your applications and interview.
You should also broaden your search for nurse anesthesia schools. Just because one or two schools weren't interested d/t your undergraduate GPA doesn't mean they all won't be.
255 Posts
Stay PRN. Don't lie during the interview, but they won't ask if your full time. They won't know your part-time or PRN if you don't tell them. You have the ICU experience already, going PRN will not effect your skills for just 1 or 2 years. The last 60 SH of college credit is the most important at many schools, many understand that some people "party" when they first start college. Science classes also play a larger part.
I would recommend starting an acute care NP program while applying to programs. Looks great, improves GPA, and you will learn things that can make you a better CRNA. If you actually finish the ACNP program you can do a post-masters anesthesia certificate program. (less nursing classes, and you get to focus just on anesthesia).