Published Aug 3, 2007
78 Posts
Took and passed my NCLEX on 7/16. Still no verifiable license with NCBON and when I call (I have done so twice) I am told I have not waited long enough. I know all of my classmates have taken theirs and those that passed already have theirs, even those who took it after I did. THey waited around 24-48 hrs after quick results were received.
I got a call from HR today, as I am supposed to start work on 8/13 in an internship for critical care. They called to tell me they still can't verify me online with the board, even though I called them as directed and informed them of my pass status. 30 days would be 8/15. I hope I won't be ousted from this opportunity if this is the case.
I'm freaking out quite seriously about it..
How long did you guys wait between your passing the test and your receipt of license verification/confirmation etc. ??
5 Posts
I took my test on July 11, 2007. It took two days to verify by phone and I know it takes around 3-4 days to verify by online. I recieved my license/letter about 2 weeks later in the mail. Have you spoken with anyone at the board or through Pearson? I would try this........I hope you find out soon......I know it's very nerve wracking especially when you have an employer waiting on it also.
I have called pearson once. The person I spoke with there informed me that it can take up to 4 weeks after the test is taken until final results are communicated by the board. I have called the board twice. Once was 9 days after my test and the most recent was yesterday which is 16 days. Both times I was abruptly told I had not waited long enough and should stop calling, and be patient.
Gosh that is awful. Sounds like they were rude to you. I wish I knew the answer that would help. Just hang in there and maybe you will hear something soon. I wish you all the best.
It's up. I am now official. Feels really good to have that over with. Now I just have to deal with HR. LOL OH well.. I start orientation Monday, regardless. That's scary and fun and crazy and frightful, and exciting all at the same time. Thanks for listening to me rant.
That is wonderful! I am so happy for you. I know what you are going through just finished my first week on the floor but everything was great and I'm sure yours will be also. A big Congratulations!!!
17 Posts
I have job waiting for me and it seems like im not showing up. My PCM told me that it can take two days to post, but then I hear that it can take up to 4 weeks for it to post. My thing is we go through heck to get our license and now we have to wait. When are we gonna finally get a little inch.
scoobydoo32, RN
264 Posts
girl i know what u mean.
This is funny. Im licensed, but because my job has to call the verification number instead of pulling it up on the internet my orientation is being held back by two weeks. I called and found out as of today I am a nurse that can practice, but it's not showing up on the NCBON website, but when you call to verify it does say that I am licensed. Told you we dont get a break at all. Im thinking of just denying the job and go to the VA hospital to work. They allowed their nurses to work without a license, but the HAVE to take boards by September and PASS or no job. I passed and licensed so there should be no issue with me.
good luck girl.i'm so happy for u.i hope that i can tell u that they approved my license.
I know they will. Best of God blessings to you.