How Long Can Adhesions Continue To Form ??


I'm just curious how long after surgery adhesions can continue to form??

I have had Crohn's disease since 1975. In the 1970s I had a pubic "smiley" incision for a tubal ligation, bladder and uterine suspension and a couple of years later a full open abdomen incision for a resection of 18" of the mid ileum.

I'm aware that all surgery creates some scar tissue or adhesions. What I am curious about is how long these adhesions can keep forming?

I've gone all these years w/no problems from any adhesions from these two surgeries (only surgeries I've had) but my last Small Bowel Follow Thru "the distal ileum appears to extend to the left side and then turn and cross over to the right to reach the cecum". I saw the films as well and it does appear that the small intestine clumps to the left. They did not have this appearance in 2003. Could it be adhesions causing some of the small bowel to move towards the left side at this late date so many years after surgery?

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