Published Jan 23, 2013
3 Posts
Does the cumulative mean something? I have a cumulative score of 80% or HESI score of 80%.
I got 94 on Math.
84 on Grammar.
74 on Reading Comprehension.
68 on Vocabulary
Overall score is 80%.
I doubt if i passed it or not. This is my second time.
52 Posts
It depends on what the college wants that our going to. If you need and overall score of 75% you passed over all, but if you need that score plus 75% in math, reading, grammar, and vocabulary then you didn't.
Merricks4, how did your hesi a2 test go?
Merricks4, how did your hesi a2 test go? I have to retake mine.
I take mine this sat! I'm nervous! I'm ready to take it though. What school are you applying to? I am applying to Ohio Zanesville.
I took it and didn't pass! It's so depressing I missed the overall score by nt even a half of a point!