How hard is an accelerated BSN program?


I am a full time stay at home mom with an 18 month old. I'm currently taking A&P I at night. I'm doing really well in the class but can only study during my daughter's nap and at night. I really want to go the accelerated BSN option which takes 14 months. I'm a little nervous about the course load though and having enough time to study.

Can some of you share your experiences going through the accelerated program while taking care of kids at home?


While I did not have children while I went through my accerlerated program, I can say that it is very, very material intensive, and if you 'like' to study (i.e. have to geta certain amount of study time to feel comfortable or confident before testing) then an accelerated BSN program is not for you.

While I got good grades in this program, I feel that it was mainly due to the fact that I lived by myself at the time and had nothing else to do except eat, drink, and sleep nursing school. I have never been a big one to study for 4 hours a day, and honestly this saved me during the accelerated BSN because it's not the studying that will get you in those programs, it's the sheer amount of paper work that piles up FAST.

I wish you luck, because it is possible (some of the best students in my class had kids, although they were a bit older than yours)...just keep it up and remember that faster is not always better.

Thanks so much for your input. I've been thinking really hard about this and am thinking that I won't do the ABSN and just go the ADN route for now. I can do an RN-BSN online program later in life.

Good choice. I missed many family functions during my 16 month ABSN program. Besides a BSN, I earned a 70K student loan to boot.

Thanks so much for your input. I've been thinking really hard about this and am thinking that I won't do the ABSN and just go the ADN route for now. I can do an RN-BSN online program later in life.

I was wondering what ADN program are you looking into?

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